Um menino de 3 anos, escapa da mãe e cai no Recinto dos Gorilas

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In 1996, an unidentified 3-year-old boy slipped away from his mother, climbed over a barrier, and fell into the Gorilla Enclosure.
Em 1996, um menino não identificado de 3 anos escapou de sua mãe, pulou uma barreira e caiu no Recinto dos Gorilas.
In an 3-year-old slipped from mother, over barrier, fell the Enclosure.

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Due to the 20 ft fall, the boy broke his hand and suffered a deep laceration to his face. Seven gorillas inhabited the enclosure. Gorillas are known to be fiercely territorial animals. .
Devido à queda de 6 metros, o menino quebrou a mão e sofreu uma laceração profunda no rosto. Sete gorilas habitavam o recinto. Os gorilas são conhecidos por serem animais ferozmente territoriais.
Due the ft the broke hand suffered deep face. gorillas the Gorillas known be territorial

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They will fight to the death to defend their families. However, one of the gorillas, called Binti Jua, meaning daughter of sunshine went over to the boy and cradled him in her arms, all while her own young child was on her back. .
Eles lutarão até a morte para defender suas famílias. No entanto, um dos gorilas, chamado Binti Jua, que significa “filha do sol”, foi até o menino e aninhou-o nos braços, enquanto seu próprio filho estava deitado de costas.
They fight their However, of gorillas, Binti meaning of went boy cradled in arms, while own child on back.

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She then went over to the edge of the enclosure and waited for the zookeepers to come and collect the child. Binti handed the child over peacefully before returning to the rest of the gorillas. Binti received worldwide praise and received regular treats for the next few weeks. .
Ela então foi até a borda do recinto e esperou que os tratadores do zoológico viessem buscar a criança. Binti entregou a criança pacificamente antes de retornar para o resto dos gorilas. Binti recebeu elogios em todo o mundo e recebeu guloseimas regulares nas semanas seguintes.
She went edge zookeepers come collect child. handed child peacefully returning gorillas. received praise received treats few

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The boy and the mother have never been identified, but the boy did stay in a hospital for 4 days.
O menino e a mãe nunca foram identificados, mas o menino ficou internado por 4 dias.
The and mother never identified, did in hospital 4

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Animal behavioral experts claim Binti used her maternal instincts to look after the child. This may have been influenced by the fact that she had her own baby Gorilla with her at the time.
Especialistas em comportamento animal afirmam que Binti usou seus instintos maternais para cuidar da criança. Isso pode ter sido influenciado pelo fato de ela ter seu próprio bebê Gorila com ela na época.
Animal experts Binti instincts look the This have influenced the that had own Gorilla the